Embrace the biophilic design trend this summer

Biophilic design is a trend that started a few years ago and which looks set to keep growing in popularity. We asked Liza Watermeyer, Visual Display Manager from our customer, Tile Africa, for her advice on how to embrace the biophilic design trend this summer.



With the advent of ink-jet technology in the manufacture of tiles, the highly realistic patterns make for stone and wood-look tiles that truly reflect nature. This means that you can bring these natural finishes into any part of a home, even into areas where real wood or stone may not be well suited.


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The process of embracing biophilic design is an organic one that changes over time, just like nature does. Bringing even a small element of the biophilic design trend into your space, brings it closer to nature. I encourage you to start your journey and love the space you’re in!

Beyond the design potential of tiles, they are an excellent choice when creating green spaces, because when they do eventually degrade, they do not release toxic compounds into the environment, as compared to some other coverings. Real wood and stone may require chemical stains and seals to protect them, but tiles don’t need any of that, so the potential impact on the environment is reduced.

Liza explains: Biophilic design is all about our connection to nature. By bringing nature or naturally inspired features into our spaces, we create a sense of place and belonging.

The simplest way to look at the biophilic trend is bringing greenery into your space, or by choosing natural nishes, or those that mimic the natural aesthetic. Start by adding plants in pots with natural textures such as timber, wicker or woven hemp flowerpots.


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For example, real wood floors aren’t practical in a bathroom as they would get damaged by the water, whereas wood-look tiles are perfect for creating a nature-inspired retreat with no such concerns.

Feature walls and cladding are also wonderful ways to bring the outdoors into your space. Consider combining stone and wood-look patterns in your design for an individualized interpretation of the biophilic design trend.

Other ways to embrace biophilic design is by including floral or botanical patterns in your soft furnishings such as cushions, curtains, throws or to redo the upholstery of a much loved chair.


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